soggiorno diving Micronesia

Manta Ray Bay Resort

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per informazioni: Go World S.r.l.
via Canale, 22 - 60125 Ancona
Tel. 0712089301 -

A unique and special experience at Manta Ray Bay!

Trips for divers in Micronesia. The state of Yap is made up of four islands and 134 coral atolls. It is one of the most intriguing and characteristic destinations of Micronesia, because it offers the priceless thrill of swimming with sedentary manta rays. The Manta Ray Bay Hotel *** is one of the most welcoming dive resorts in Micronesia. Located on the coast of the lush island of Yap, it offers guests a 5-star PADI center, which organizes five daily dives, including night dives, using eight boats fully equipped with the best technologies. A top-of-the-range destination among all diving trips!


A dense forest of mangroves crossed by a maze of canals, interrupted only occasionally by a white sand beach, shaded by the inevitable palm trees. Yap offers beautiful diving spots, pristine reefs carpeted with colorful coral, vertical walls, caves, schools of gray sharks and barracudas, turtles and wrecks. Manta Ridge is the most famous site in Yap and the one that guarantees encounters with manta rays, which in some cases even reach 4 meters. In addition to the many manta rays, you can also admire the colorful "Bumphead" parrotfish, white tip sharks, gray reef sharks, moray eels, groupers and copper-colored sweepers and, if you are lucky, you can also spot pilot whales. Don't miss out on our fantastic diving trips to Micronesia!

Tariff per person, starting from:

From 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021upon request
Una foresta fittissima di mangrovie solcata da un dedalo di canali, interrotta solo di tanto in tanto da una spiaggia di sabbia candida, ombreggiata dalle immancabili palme. Yap offre splendidi luoghi di immersione, barriere incontaminate tappezzate da variopinti coralli, pareti verticali, grotte, banchi di squali grigi e barracuda, tartarughe e relitti. Il Manta Ridge è il sito più famoso di Yap e quello che garantisce gli incontri con le mante, che in alcuni casi raggiungono anche i 4 metri. Oltre alle moltissime mante, si possono ammirare anche i variopinti pesci pappagallo “Bumphead”, squali pinna bianca, squali grigi di barriera, murene, cernie e spazzatrici color rame e, se si è fortunati, si possono avvistare anche balene pilota.

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Go World S.r.l.
via Canale, 22 - 60125 Ancona
P.IVA, CF 02763050420 R.E.A. AN 213201
Capitale Sociale € 10.000
Premio Turismo responsabile Italiano 2011
ASTOI Fondo di Garanzia ASTOI